JavaScript: The Critical Parts Masterclass
This course focusses on and explains thoroughly the concepts and topics found in JavaScript. It dives into important fundaments that often get glossed over. And then takes on the more advanced techniques in JavaScript and explores them deeply. The course not only covers the HOW, it also focusses on the WHY in order to increase your understanding. The HOW and WHY are both critical to becoming a top JavaScript developer.
At 25 hours of instruction, you will master JavaScript in a way only top JavaScript developers do. Here is why:
- The course is taught by the lead trainer at All Things JavaScript, whose mission is to facilitate your journey from novice to expert.
- The course is constantly updated with new content and new topics.
- The course focusses on JavaScript, so you learn JavaScript fully without worrying about ancillary technologies.
- The course explores how things work under the hood so your understanding is deep and relevant.
- The curriculum touches multiple aspects of JavaScript.
- The curriculum was developed over a period of several years.
Here are some of the things that you will learn in this course:
- Critical JavaScript Concepts, Practices and Techniques
- Fundamental JavaScript Concepts: Engine, Heap, Call Stack and Event Loop
- Object Oriented Programming
- Functional Programming
- Critical Asynchronous Coding Patterns
- All Facets of JavaScript Modules
- Error Handling
- Critical JavaScript Shortcuts
- Execution Context and Lexical Environment
- Ubiquitous Nature of Objects
- First Class and Higher Order Functions
- Scope and Block Scope, Callbacks, Closure, IIFEs, Prototypes and Many Other Critical Concepts
- Constructors, Factory Functions and Classes
- And Much More