Learn Modern JavaScript: Advanced Topics
Advanced Topics picks up where the Getting Started course ended. You should now have some experience with JavaScript and understand the JavaScript language much better. Therefore, you are ready to learn more of the nuances and important patterns that advanced JavaScript developers know and use.
This course contains 14 sections, over 70 different lectures, over 11 hours of video, 2 quizzes, 7 assignments, 1 large project and several Think Like a Programmer sections with invaluable information for those intent on making JavaScript a career choice or a major part of their lives.
We will explore the more advanced ideas in JavaScript. You will learn:
- Advanced concepts for objects and functions
- Determining the value of 'this'
- this binding
- In-depth prototype concepts
- Indirectly invoking functions
- Closure
- Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFEs)
- Namespace pattern
- Module pattern
- JSON format and how to load a JSON file
- Object Oriented Programming concepts
- How to apply these concepts to an actual project